Marketing Generates Leads But No Closes, Reddit Boss

Marketing Generates Leads But No Closes, Reddit Boss




Reddit Boss, an Internet marketing agency based in London, England, recently released their annual company review on its website. Their biggest takeaways? Marketing generated leads but didn’t close them, and most of the sales came from referrals. The results are surprising, especially considering the amount of time and money Reddit Boss spends on marketing campaigns to help generate more leads and subsequently more sales.



So what can you learn from this review and how can it affect your business? Here’s what to keep in mind as you consider what to do next with your own marketing campaign.


What Is a Lead?

A lead is a potential customer. A lead is someone who may need your product or service but has not yet decided to buy it. It’s also someone who will not be your customer today but could be in the future if you manage to attract them and turn them into buyers. For example, I’m a prospect for Coca-Cola because I drink sugary drinks.


However, I’m not buying from Coca-Cola now so they’re just one of many options on the market. They are competing with other beverage companies like Pepsi and Fanta to win my business. They have a lot of competition!


The Difference Between a Lead and a Sale

A lead is a term used to describe someone that has expressed an interest in your product

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